I don’t know what to do!
I’m sure at some points we all think this in business. I often think we arrive at this point in business because we’re not able to discuss our options, dreams, desires and assets with anyone.
We may hover around subjects on YouTube/podcasts/blogs like motivation, creativity or “how to get more …whatever”, we think these might help, but they often have a way of making the situation muddier or more frustrating.
The life of an entrepreneur is a lonely existence sometimes, but that isn’t what this is about.
The subject in mind is the paralysis that comes with not knowing which direction to best take your business.
I personally need a plan or destination to head towards or I get super frustrated with myself without this clarity.
However, I find that in these moments nothing breaks the deadlock like actually doing something. That something isn’t ‘tidying’ or ‘reply to emails’ as those kinds of tasks are often procrastination and make that feeling worse.
The best thing is doing a task that moves you forward even when you haven’t got a clue about where the endpoint is.
So grab a pad or a blank document and start writing all the tasks you need to do, put everything on there and then go back through the list and pick out only the tasks that have significance.
You might have significant tasks like redesign a website, or book an appointment with a coach, or write a job advert for a new sales role. These kinds of tasks might not be the end goal, but they are a crucial step of the way.